Call for Sessions

2025 International Congress on Medieval Studies (May 8 - 10, 2025)

60th International Congress on Medieval Studies (May 8-10, 2025)

Download the Session Proposal Quick Guide here!

Each session should be proposed only once. After submitting your proposal, you will be automatically informed of the unique ID number and password assigned to your proposal. Sessions may be viewed and modified at any time between submission and the deadline using the assigned ID number and password.

For technical assistance with your submission, contact Confex technical support.

How to Propose a Session

  1. Session Format Selection

    To begin a submission, choose a format for your session from the list on the right.

    Sessions of papers consist of at least two and no more than five papers relating to a given topic or theme. The papers themselves are to occupy no more than 60 minutes of the 90-minute session. If a session of papers is accepted, potential authors will submit separate proposals for their individual papers via Confex.

    Roundtables include at least two and no more than seven discussants. They are usually less formal than sessions of papers and may be scheduled more loosely. They may resemble a conversation more than a series of talks. If a roundtable is accepted, potential discussants will submit separate proposals to participate via Confex. Contributions to roundtables are not titled.

    Poster sessions showcase the work of at least two and no more than ten poster authors. Poster authors do not deliver formal presentations, but they are expected to be present to answer questions from attendees viewing their work during the 90-minute session. If a poster session is accepted, potential poster authors will submit separate proposals for their work via Confex.

    Workshops are typically interactive, with some expectation of audience participation. If a workshop is accepted, the session organizer(s) will assign personnel to it; no separate proposals are required from workshop leaders.

    Demonstrations generally involve some kind of live exhibition or practical presentation with commentary, along with a discussion. If a demonstration is accepted, the session organizer(s) will assign personnel to it; no separate proposals are required from demonstrators.

    Performances may involve music, drama, dance, spoken word, and other media, in any combination. If a performance is accepted, the session organizer(s) will assign personnel to it; no separate proposals are required from performers.

  2. Session Type Selection

    The Congress is made up of three types of sessions.

    Sponsored Sessions are organized by learned societies, associations, institutions, and research projects. The organizers set predetermined topics that reflect the aim and interests of the sponsoring group.

    Special Sessions are organized by individual scholars and ad hoc groups. The organizers set predetermined topics, which are often narrowly focused.

    General Sessions are organized by the Program Committee at the Medieval Institute. Topics include all areas of medieval studies, with individual session topics determined by the range of proposals submitted and accepted. You may propose either a Sponsored or a Special Session, but not a General Session.

  3. Title and Session Information

    Enter the title of your proposed session and answer questions about it, some of which are optional. See the Submissions page of the Congress website for a description of the information requested.
  4. Keywords (Optional)

    You may enter a maximum of 6 keywords describing your session. Conference attendees will have the option to browse sessions by keyword.
  5. Principal Sponsoring Organization (if applicable)

    For Sponsored Sessions only, select the principal sponsoring organization from the list. If your organization is not listed, select "Other" (at the end of the list) and enter its name.
  6. Co-Sponsoring Organizations (optional)

    If another organization has agreed to co-sponsor your session, select its name from the list. If a co-sponsoring organization is not listed, select "Other" (at the end of the list) and enter its name.
  7. Organizer Information

    Enter the session organizer’s name, affiliation, and contact information.

    Organizers of accepted sessions of papers, roundtables, and poster sessions will be named in the call for papers. They will be responsible for accepting and rejecting proposals to their sessions, naming a presider for each session, and (optionally) naming respondent(s).

    Organizers of accepted workshops, demonstrations, and performances will be responsible for assigning presiders and other personnel to their sessions. They will need the names and contact information for all participants in order to add them to their sessions.

    You may also add up to two co-organizers to assist the primary organizer (optional).

  8. Confirmation

    You will be able to review your session proposal to make sure it is complete and print a copy for your records.

  • 60th Congress
  • About the Congress
  • Policies and Guidelines
The 60th International Congress on Medieval Studies takes place on the campus of Western Michigan University May 8 through 10, 2025.