Call for Papers

2024 International Congress on Medieval Studies (May 9 - 11, 2024)


Download the Quick Guide for Paper Proposals here!

Download the Quick Guide for Roundtables here!

All those working in the field of medieval studies, including graduate students and independent scholars and artists, may submit proposals to the International Congress on Medieval Studies. We invite contributions to Sponsored and Special Sessions, which are sessions on predetermined topics organized by colleagues around the world. We also welcome proposals for General Sessions, which are ad hoc sessions organized by the Program Committee in Kalamazoo. The topics of General Sessions are determined by the paper proposals submitted and accepted.

Please review our policies before submitting your proposal below. In particular, note that undergraduate students may submit proposals only to the "Papers by Undergraduates" sessions (listed under Sponsored and Special Sessions of Papers).


You are invited to make one paper proposal to one session of papers. This may be to one of the Sponsored or Special Sessions of Papers, which are organized by colleagues around the world, OR to the General Sessions of Papers, which are organized by the Program Committee in Kalamazoo. You may propose an unlimited number of roundtable contributions. However, you will not be scheduled as an active participant (as a paper presenter, roundtable discussant, presider, respondent, workshop leader, or performer) in more than three sessions.

Session Selection

Sessions are grouped by format (sessions of papers and roundtables). You can browse the sessions by format below. You can also view the session offerings in the call for papers on the Congress website.

Demonstrations, Performances, and Workshops are not included here, because organizers are responsible for naming their own participants and contributions are not solicited.

Title and Presentation Information

Enter the title of the proposed paper. (Contributions to roundtables do not have titles.) Confirm your willingness to make your presentation in the time established by the session’s organizer(s) and indicate your social media preferences and whether you are willing to have your contribution recorded.


Enter the name(s), affiliation(s), and contact information for the author(s).


Supply an abstract (300 words) describing your proposed paper or roundtable contribution. If your proposal is for a hybrid session, indicate whether you intend to present in person or virtually.

Short Description

Supply a short description (50 words) of your proposed paper or roundtable contribution. If your proposal is accepted, this will be posted on the meeting site.

Technical Support

For help in submitting a proposal online, Contact technical support.

Session Selection

Click a session format and then select the name of a session of papers or roundtable in order to begin your paper proposal. Only select "General Sessions" if you do not wish to make a proposal to a sponsored or special session (proposals to the general sessions will be reviewed directly by the ICMS program committee)..

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